Companies that are engaged in the audiobooks and recording services. However, companies involved in the manufacturing or mass duplication of CDs and tape recordings should be included in the CC01120 (Data Storage Media Manufacturing and Duplicating) and those involved in sound recording or music distribution shall be included in the J604010(sound recording and music distribution).
- 影像器材︹相機、鏡頭、攝影器材及週邊設備︺之買賣及進出口業務。
- 照相器材及其配件之修理保養買賣業務。
- 電視攝影機及各式燈光、閃光燈、電池、腳架、視聽器材之租售、維修
- 及進出口業務。
- 沖印、攝影、護貝、拷貝及透明片之製作及買賣進出口業務。
- 般進出口貿易業務︹許可業務除外︺。