Companies that are engaged in the audiobooks and recording services. However, companies involved in the manufacturing or mass duplication of CDs and tape recordings should be included in the CC01120 (Data Storage Media Manufacturing and Duplicating) and those involved in sound recording or music distribution shall be included in the J604010(sound recording and music distribution).
- 歌詞、歌曲之仲介經紀買賣業務。
- 著作權轉讓買賣之仲介業務。
- 智慧財產專利商標著作權之諮詢顧問業務︹不得為代理人︺。
- 代理演藝人員演出之安排。
- 音樂詞曲之製作及發行。
- 書籍、雜誌、錄音帶買賣業務。
- 代理國內外廠商前各項產品投標報價經銷業務。