- 統一編號:80086573
- 登記機關:苗栗縣政府
- 商業名稱:什麼咖咖啡民宿
- 負責人姓名:余念祖
- 出資額(元):60,000
- 資本額(元):60,000
- 組織類型:獨資
- 地址:苗栗縣通霄鎮平元里崇仁路12號 郵遞區號
- 核准設立日期:2024/07/02 (民國 113/07/02)
- 最近異動日期:2024/07/02 (民國 113/07/02)
民宿:指利用自用或自有住宅,結合當地人文街區、歷史風貌、自然景觀、生態、環境資源、農林漁牧、工藝製造、藝術文創等生產活動,以在地體驗交流為目的、家庭副業方式經營,提供旅客城鄉家庭式住宿環境與文化生活之住宿處所。 A lodging facility that is part of a family's home, and provides tourists with an in-depth travel experience, that incorporates local culture, natural landscape, ecological environment, environmental resources, as well as agricultural, forestry, fishery or livestock farming activities. The goal is to allow tourists to experience local life and get to know the local people, including the home stay's owners.
民宿:指利用自用或自有住宅,結合當地人文街區、歷史風貌、自然景觀、生態、環境資源、農林漁牧、工藝製造、藝術文創等生產活動,以在地體驗交流為目的、家庭副業方式經營,提供旅客城鄉家庭式住宿環境與文化生活之住宿處所。 A lodging facility that is part of a family's home, and provides tourists with an in-depth travel experience, that incorporates local culture, natural landscape, ecological environment, environmental resources, as well as agricultural, forestry, fishery or livestock farming activities. The goal is to allow tourists to experience local life and get to know the local people, including the home stay's owners.